
Frequently Asked Questions

The physicist who designed the IQS, Dr. Roy Curtin, was able to ‘map out’ the electromagnetic frequency of wheat and many more substances. This electrical signature was then translated into digital code so that it could be stored in the software of the computer. When you are being tested for wheat (for example) the IQS converts the digital code of wheat back into its electrical frequency, and a probe sends that frequency of wheat into the acupuncture point on your finger. The frequency then travels along the acupuncture meridian until it reaches the brain. The brain then ‘reads’ the signal and has the body elicit a skin resistance response, which the probe picks up at the same acupuncture point. The IQS converts this skin resistance response into a numerical value which is then recorded and displayed on the monitor. Based on your skin resistance response we can tell if you are perfectly tolerant, mildly, moderately or severely intolerant to wheat or any substance being tested.
Prior to arriving for your appointment, ensure that you are well nourished and hydrated, as this assists in the efficiency of the test. Right before being tested, you will be asked to remove any metals, including jewellery, cell phones, keys and coins, as these items can interfere with the testing.
Yes you can. IQS testing is perfectly safe for mother and baby.
Yes, all ages can be tested.
YES, dogs and cats can be tested, as long as they can sit for a short period of time. Only Service Dogs are permitted at our Bloor Street West location. If you would like your cat or dog tested, we would suggest you book at our Mississauga location. Dogs and cats are tested surrogately through their owners. We recommend you bring samples of their foods, including treats, when getting your dog or cat tested for foods, in addition to what is being tested on the computer.
IQS testing does not puncture the skin. The IQS probe simply presses against the skin. With a scratch test, the Allergist is measuring a histamine response by the person. The IQS measures histamine and non-histamine responses. This is especially important when it comes to the testing of foods, as a great number of food reactions are non-histamine responses (tiredness, bloating, headaches, mood changes etc.) and often do not get picked up on a scratch test. Therefore when a person is scratch tested for these foods, the results show no allergies found. Therefore the IQS can uncover hidden food sensitivities a person didn’t know they had. Several of our clients have had scratch tests for foods and no “allergies” were detected. IQS is therefore ideal for testing food sensitivities.
No, as there is no substance being injected into the body, only frequencies entering the acupuncture point.
IQS testing has a minimal accuracy rate of 85%. This system is most accurate when testing foods you consume frequently and testing substances that you have been recently exposed to. It is also important to have a properly trained technician testing you, as IQS testing(all E.A.V. testing for that matter) is very operator dependent. All technicians at Red Paw Health Services are exceptionally well trained, and are more skilled than any other technician operating an electrodermal screening instrument. This is because all Red Paw Health Services technicians receive in depth and rigorous training for several months by Alice Korman, who is one of the most experienced E.D.S. operators in Canada. Other E.D.S. facilities in Ontario employ technicians whose standard training is one week long.

Please feel free to e-mail us your question. We will be more than happy to answer it.


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